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Meditative Living

Tom Nissimoff


© Meditative Living 2011. All rights reserved

    Email: tom@meditativeliving.de

Love & spirituality

To fall in love be it with good looks, with beauty or the beast,

handsomeness or ugliness with nobleness and goodness..

falling in love with innocence and sweet tenderness, sweet eyes,

comforting voices and humble intelligence, with soothing friendly humour, deeply felt compassion and a deep understanding, with gentle words and braveness, genuine good behaviour, with sounds and smells, singing and dancing, with all this sensuality and the ways our loved ones simply are, falling in love with just existence at all, is an intense meditative form of life and love accompanied by joy hinting at a potential a beauty that lives in the other as well as in ourselves.

We love helping the other experiencing peace and joy, growing and freeing him or herself as to have his or her potential opened up to the world for her or him and others to enjoy. There is some holiness, some marvellous beauty in the other that we already enjoy that seems latent in our own hearts as we resonate and react to it.

Love is devoted to love and whoever has the courage to let him or herself be consumed by love becomes love itself. He or she staying open and vulnerable consciously he or she becomes genuinely true to him or herself, which makes love so intense enjoyable and attractive. In love we become our true nature. It changes us, changes whoever comes in contact with its true power and lets him-or her be moved by it.

True words and deeds are healers. Coming from a pure heart they are of value. This is an intense form of meditation giving oneself selflessly fully aware. Attentive and fully present love becomes a highly intelligent beautiful strong and timeless power from within. In true love we die, we let ourselves be consumed and are resurrected into pure being and for a short while without any past or future to relate to. True love transforms and knows no limits. No wonder it can be frightening.


Tom Nissimoff is giving readings and talks about his recent publications „love & spirituality” and “Tom´s poems”. Previous publications “meditation navigation” and “meditativ leben und lieben” including event tickets order at tom@meditativeliving.de

love & spirituality

events , date and location

My next lecture date is on

Sunday, February 2nd, 2025

at 5:00 pm

on the topic of

"Love and Spirituality"

in the Langhuus in Cham near Zug on Lake Zug - Switzerland

IG Langhuus Fabrikstr.9  CH  - 6330 Cham



soon also Tumblinger School, in Tumblingerstrasse / and in Kapuzinerstr.37 in Kap 37 in Munich

Tom Nissimoff