© Meditative Living 2011. All rights reserved
Email: tom@meditativeliving.de
Meditation is not an activity as such. Here nothing can be forced or pushed. It starts with the genuine interest to experience who we are, apart from being a person, a short lived body-mind with a name, driven by hopes and fears. Meditation gives the brain a break, puts it to rest and lightens our heart. The mind’s restlessness subsides. We become still inside. No thought, no feeling disturb the light ...
A little exercise:
- Please close your eyes and gently leave it all behind – all your little and big hopes, your little anxieties and worries, all your thoughts and feelings. Take your time, don’t rush. Don’t persist or resist.
- Consciousness, the innocent perception of what is, lies underneath any experience. Think your thoughts and feel your feelings until you drop them, one by one until they subside, leaving it all behind. Take your time.
- If you want, repeat a mantra you may choose for yourself. Just remember: say or sing it repeatedly, each time anew, so no monotony occurs. Each tone, each sound must be fresh, anew, NOW.
- Remember: no-thing is yours, no-thing is you. Let yourself go and fall, deeper and deeper. Remember, no experience is yours, no experience is you. Just drop it, be aware of being aware – still and present.
- After a while, things may seem a dream to you. Then discard this, too. You yourself may become a dream. Discard it. You may become all and all may become you. Discard it. Just let go. Be still, highly aware, present. It’s a leap. From mind to awareness, from awareness to truth – you, truly you.
- Be patient and try again from the beginning.
Tom Nissimoff, born in 1955 in Nuremberg, Germany, started meditating at an early age. He lived with his wife and children in California, New Mexico and New York, USA, in France and Spain. Family and work did not leave much time. When the four children were grown, Tom wrote his first little German book, Meditativ leben und lieben (Meditative Living and Loving.) meditation navigation is his first in English. His second English book about self-inquiry, Kings and Queens, Rise and Shine and a German book for parents and school children, Gute Noten, are presently in publication. Tom resides in Munich and is grandfather to three boys.